It has been said that vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is the safest and most efficient nutrient that we have and the benefits of vitamin C are many. Because it is a water-soluble vitamin, vitamin C will not build up and stay in someone’s body. It must be eaten daily to stay at the recommended amount, which is 70-90 mg daily for an adult; however, it is not discouraged for someone to take 500 mg daily either through food or supplements. A safe upper limit has been set at 2000 mg daily. I personally take a 500 mg tablet every day in addition to what I get through the food I eat. You should check with your doctor before starting a supplement program, because vitamin C might interact with some medications that you are taking.
Benefits of Vitamin C
There are many benefits to vitamin C including, but not limited to promoting healthy teeth and gums, healthy eyes, and wound healing. It also helps the body to absorb iron and maintain healthy tissue. Vitamin C promotes healthy skin by helping in the production of collagen, which also helps reduce wrinkles. Additionally, it helps keep the immune system strong. Immune systems are weakened when someone is under a great deal of stress, either physically or psychologically. This means that it might be necessary to increase your intake during difficult times.
Perhaps the most important function of Vitamin C is that it is a powerful antioxidant and protects against free radicals and air pollutants. I would like to take a moment to discuss free radicals. For some time I knew the term but didn’t really know what it meant. Once I figured it out, I realized how important antioxidants are and why we should pay attention to them. Free radicals have their base in the world of chemistry. They are electrons that have gone rogue and because of their activity, they are very successful in destroying the cells in our bodies. When cells are destroyed it can lead to heart disease, certain cancers, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, ulcers, arthritis, and more. Free radicals can also speed up the aging process. They enter our bodies through the food we eat, the medicines we take, the air we breathe, and the water we drink. It is the antioxidants that we allow to enter our bodies that protect us from these villains. The good news is that vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant and works hard to keep us healthy.
Foods That Contain Vitamin C
We can find vitamin C in many fruits and vegetables. Schmitz Farms has a board on Pinterest devoted to the foods that contain vitamin C. If you do not have a Pinterest account or prefer not to link to it, this link will take you to an alphabetized list with nutrition information, minus the pictures.
Symptoms of a Vitamin C Deficiency
As I said before it is unusual for someone to take too much vitamin C, but it is more likely that someone could have a deficiency. Symptoms include, but not limited to, frequent bruising and infections, bleeding gums, poor wound healing, dry skin, swollen joints, and chronic inflammation. If you experience any of these symptoms, it is best to check with your doctor to rule out anything more serious, but our good friend vitamin C may be just what you are looking for.
A Reminder
Again I must remind everyone that the content of this blog is strictly for information purposes. If you want to make a change in your diet or exercise routine, it is very important that you contact a health care professional.