Fruits and Vegetables: Vitamin C

Amount of Vitamin C in Each

Recommended amount of Vitamin C: 75 – 90 mg daily

  1. American persimmon  –  1 fruit = 17 mg
  2. apples  –  1 medium = 8 mg
  3. avocados  –  1 cup sliced =15 mg
  4. bananas  –  one 7-inch fruit = 10 mg
  5. blueberries – 1 cup = 14 mg
  6. broccoli  –  3.5 oz = 89 mg
  7. brussel sprouts  –  1 cup = 75 mg
  8. cabbage  –  1 cup, chopped = 33 mg
  9. cantaloupe  –  1 cup, balls = 65 mg
  10. cauliflower  –  1 cup, chopped = 52 mg
  11. cherries  – 1 cup, no pits = 16 mg
  12. grapefruit  –  half of 4-inch fruit = 38 mg
  13. grapes – 1 cup = 3.7 mg
  14. green bell peppers  –  1 cup, chopped = 120 mg
  15. guava  –  1 cup = 376 mg
  16. kale  –  1 cup, chopped = 80 mg
  17. kiwi  –  one 2-inch fruit = 64 mg
  18. kohlrabi  –  1 cup = 84 mg
  19. lemons  –  one 2-inch fruit = 31 mg
  20. limes  –  one 2-inch fruit = 20 mg
  21. mangoes  –  1 cup, pieces = 60 mg
  22. onions – 1 cup, chopped = 12 mg
  23. oranges  –  one 2-inch fruit = 51 mg
  24. orange bell peppers  –  one-half cup = 147 mg
  25. papaya  –  3.5 oz = 62 mg
  26. parsley  –  1 tbsp = 5 mg
  27. peaches  –  1 cup sliced = 10 mg
  28. pears  –  1 medium = 8 mg
  29. pineapple  –  1 cup, chunks = 79 mg
  30. pomegranates  –  one-half cup, arils = 9 mg
  31. potatoes  –  1 medium = 42 mg
  32. pumpkin – 1 cup, cubed = 10.5 mg
  33. raspberries  –  10 berries = 5 mg
  34. red chili peppers  –  1 pepper = 65 mg
  35. red bell peppers  –  1 cup, chopped = 190 mg
  36. snow peas  –  3.5 oz = 60 mg
  37. strawberries  –  3.5 oz = 59 mg
  38. sweet potatoes  –  1 cup, cubed = 3 mg
  39. tomato juice  –  3.5 oz = 70 mg
  40. turnips – 1 cup, cubed = 27.3 mg
  41. watermelon – 1 cup, balls = 12.5 mg
  42. yellow bell peppers – one-half cup = 183 mg
  43. zucchini – 1 cup, chopped = 22 mg