Banned Ingredients: Ocean Robbins’ Article

  • Dough Conditioner: potassium bromate and azodicarbonamide – improves strength and texture of bread dough –  can cause breathing problems
  • Brominated Vegetable Oil (BVO): originally patented as a flame retardant- found in some sports drinks and citrus-flavored sodas – can cause multiple problems
  • Propylparaben: used as a preservative – can cause breast cancer, reproductive and developmental problems
  • BHA and BHT: man-made antioxidants – used in foods and packaging to extend shelf life – alters normal body function
  • Synthetic Food Dyes: used to make foods look more appealing – can cause multiple problems including tumors and hyperactivity
  • GMO’s (genetically modified organisms): often to make a plant Round-Up ready – often associated with cancer
  • Rorarsone: arsenic-based – to increase pink color in the meat of chicken and to speed up their growth
  • Ractopamine: used as a muscle enhancer in cows, pigs, and turkeys
  • Herbicides, Insecticides, Fungicides: used on plants to rid them of bugs and diseases
  • Olestra: fat substitute – causes digestive problems
  • Synthetic Hormones: used to increase milk production in dairy cattle – causes an increased risk of cancer

See the original article for suggestions on what you can do to protect yourself.