Amino Acids: What They Do

Click here for amino acids and where to find them.

9 Essential Amino Acids and What They Do

  1. histidine – used as a medicine to treat rheumatoid arthritis, allergic diseases, ulcers and anemia
  2. isoleucine – wound healing, stimulating immune function, and promoting secretions of some hormones
  3. leucine – increases energy during exercise, may increase muscle growth
  4. lysine – supports the immune system, used to treat cold sores
  5. methionine – critical role in metabolism
  6. phenylalanine – used for depression, pain, and skin disorders
  7. threonine – used to treat nervous disorders
  8. tryptophan – the body changes it into serotonin which helps control mood and sleep
  9. valine – promotes normal growth, tissue repair, regulates blood sugar, provides energy, stimulates the central nervous system, and is needed for proper mental functioning

11 Non-Essential Amino Acids and What They Do

  1. alanine  – a source of energy for muscles and the nervous system, helps with metabolism of sugar
  2. arginine – in the body it changes to nitric oxide which is a neurotransmitter that helps blood vessels relax and improves circulation
  3. asparagine – necessary for the production of the body’s proteins, enzymes, and muscle tissue
  4. aspartic acid – can be used to treat depression and fatigue, keeps metabolism strong
  5. cysteine – may help treat arthritis and hardening of the arteries
  6. glutamic acid – a neurotransmitter that helps clear thinking, mental alertness, and mood, it excites the nervous system
  7. glutamine –plays a major role in the health of the immune system and also in intestinal health
  8. glycine – supports mental function, relieves anxiety and stress, helps promote the quality of sleep
  9. praline – helps heal cartilage and cushion joints
  10. serine – needed to metabolize fats, fatty acids, and cell membranes, also important for muscle growth and a healthy immune system
  11. tyrosine – helps improve alertness and memory, has been used to treat depression

Click here for amino acids and where to find them.