Hello! Welcome to S C Schmitz Farms

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As I begin this blog, two facts have become very apparent to me.  First, while all of the information contained here has been acquired through research and personal experience, it must all be used as a guideline, not facts etched in stone.  We are all different and our bodies perform differently.  We are different sizes, different ages, and have different energy levels.  Some of us exercise a lot and some not so much, and we all have different health issues.

Everyone using the information in this blog must listen to what their body is telling them and it will tell you; if you just listen.  If this is a new concept for you, I will be offering suggestions along the way as to what to watch for.  Some years back a friend discovered that not one of her clients in a class of 20 could sit quietly for 10 minutes with no outside stimulation.  This meant no phone, no TV, no radio, no outside window, no lights beyond a very dim one, no gadgets to maneuver, and no other people to talk to; just each person and his/her thoughts.  If this is new to you, try it for one minute and see what happens.  If you continue to lengthen the time and start listening to your body, you may be surprised at what you learn.

As this blog unfolds, I hope to explore many areas involved in our health.  We will look at nutrition and discuss the contributions made by vitamins, minerals, protein, fiber, carbs and more.  We will look at the parts of our body and how all of the nutrients keep those parts healthy.  Additionally, we will discuss what foods contain which nutrients, including water and other liquids that are vital to our health.

Eventually, I want to explore the difference between organic and GMO foods, along with the inclusion of antibiotics.  For anyone who decides they want to eat organic, which can be expensive, I will have suggestions on how to grow your own food, even in a small space.  There will be some discussion on keeping foods safe, the history of these foods, and how our ancestors preserved them.

Because stress and exercise make an enormous contribution to our health, we will explore both in great detail.  Included also, will be the opposite, relaxation and no exercise, and how they also impact our health.

There will be games and puzzles to help make things clearer and also to help to remember.  Of course, there will be many recipes supporting what is being discussed.  We are on Pinterest and Twitter and will be linking to both frequently.  We hope that the information you get here will help, but remember to listen to your body and use the content in a manner that helps you stay in your best health.

There is a tremendous amount of information out there, which cannot be covered quickly.  We want to go into enough detail that it will be clear how what we eat either makes us sick or keeps us healthy.  For that reason, we plan to be here for quite some time.  I hope that what we offer will benefit our readers in both the short and long term.

We must also remind everyone that the content of this blog is strictly for information purposes.  If you want to make a change in your diet or exercise routine, it is very important that you contact a health care professional.

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