There is more calcium in our bodies than any other mineral. It is best known for strengthening our bones and teeth, but calcium also contributes to our heart health and muscle health.
Where Does Calcium Come From?
Calcium is the fifth most common element in the Earth’s crust. It is found primarily in rocks in the form of limestone, dolomite, and gypsum. It is also found in the oceans, but to a lesser degree.
What Foods Contain Calcium?
As I did the research for this section, I discovered a great amount of discrepancy; not only in the amount of calcium in a given food, but also in the kind of food. Our list of foods containing calcium includes only those foods that I have been able to verify as accurate. We will, of course, provide updates to this list, as we become aware of them. As usual, we have also provided a link to our Pinterest board with the same information.
I also discovered a vegetable that is new to me. It has not been included on either of our lists, because it is one of the foods around which there is a great deal of disagreement concerning calcium. I have; however, included two links for you to explore on your own: link 1 – Introducing the Hunan Winged Bean, and link 2 – Winged Beans.
How Much Calcium is Needed Daily?
The recommended daily amount depends on your age. Children up to age 18 require 1300mg a day, while anyone over age 70 and women over age 50 should have 1200mg. Everyone else needs 1000mg.
Like many other nutrients, it is possible to get too much. If this happens, you begin to have problems and begin to feel ill. Problems can occur in your kidneys (kidney stones), stomach (nausea), bones and muscles (weakness and pain), brain (confusion and fatigue), and heart (palpitations and other problems). These symptoms also occur when there is not enough calcium in your blood; so it is always best to see your doctor.
Just For Fun
I have included, for anyone interested, a link to an article that explores the chemical make-up of calcium with additional information about its make-up before it gets into our bloodstream.
A Reminder
Again I must remind everyone that the content of this blog is strictly for information purposes. If you want to make a change in your diet or exercise routine, it is very important that you contact a health care professional.