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Food of the Week

Quote of the Week

Reason to Eat a Plant-Based Diet – A reduction of meat consumption by only 10% would result in about 12 million more tons of grain for human consumption, This additional grain could feed all of the humans across the world who starve to death each year – about 60 million people! Marc Bekoff: Animals Matter
Treatment of Animals – As I became more and more aware of the horrors that happen around the world on factory farms, I started to think about what the Bible says about animal abuse. I have a link to a list of the passages that I found in the Bible and what they say about how animals should be treated.
I am not as familiar with Islam and Buddhism, but have included links to articles that explain the views of both religions concerning the treatment of animals. Link to Islam. Link to Buddhism.
Dirty Dozen/Clean 15 – Every year the Environmental Working Group (EWG) publishes a list of the 12 veggies and fruits that have the highest amount of pesticide residue. This list is called the Dirty Dozen. They also publish a list, called the Clean 15, of veggies and fruits with the least amount of pesticide residue. Click on Dirty Dozen to see the dirty list, and Clean 15 to see the clean list.
GMO Foods – Additionally, click here to find a list of current GMO foods and when they became available as a GMO products.